A listing of all musical releases by Eric Scott.
Please note that some titles may be out of print. Collections are sorted by Artist/Release/Year.
For a chronological discography, please click here.
Collections have been re-classified to fit into the following three principal categories for this website’s archival purposes:
- Electronica/Avant Rock
Instrumental, progressive, leftfield, ambient - New Music/Modern classical
Avant-garde/jazz-classical for keyboards/
Ensemble players - Songs and Archival works
Indie pop, new-wave
D i s c o g r a p h y
1. Electronica/Avant Rock
Instrumental, progressive, leftfield, ambient
[ Day for Night ] RHYTHM FACTORY
[ Day 002 ] Technopolitan (1991)
[ Day 004 ] In the acid (1991)
[ Day 012 ] Play pop! (1992)
[ Day 014 ] All mine (1992)
[ Day 022 ] Push (2002)
[ Day 024 ] Suck (2002)
[ Day for Night ] SALVADOR DALEK
[ Day 035 ] Birth (2006)
[ Day for Night ] ERIC SCOTT
[ Day 003 ] The performing man (1991)
[ Day 013 ] Ghosts & masks (1993)
[ Day for Night ] FOUND
[ Day 028 ] A Stone (2002)
[ Day for Night ] KING FM
[ Day 086 ] King FM (2002)
2. New Music/Modern Classical
Avant-garde/jazz-classical for keyboards/
ensemble/electric guitar
[ Day for Night ] ERIC SCOTT
[ Day 001 ] 3 mains (1991)
[ Day 003 ] The performing man (1991)
[ Day 011 ] Reprise (1992)
[ Day 021 ] Paris: a musical overpass (1994)
[ Day 023 ] Pieces from the elephant (1994)
[ Day 025 ] Musical anamorphosis no. 1 (1994)
[ Day 031 ] 50 minutes from Paris (1997)
[ Day 033 ] Vigilant (2002)
[ Day 040 ] Bankside: Lullabies for cats (2002)
3. Songs / Archival Works
Indie Pop and New-wave
[ Day for Night ] ERIC SCOTT
[ Day 006 ] 14 friends (1988 | 1991 )
[ Day 013 ] Ghosts & masks (1993)
[ Day 016 ] I hear waterfalls (1994)
[ Day for Night ] The VON TRAPPS
Doug Green, words & vocals. Eric Scott, all else
[ Day 015 ] Sculptured (1991)
[ Day for Night ] COMPILATIONS
[ Day 010 ] Internet Theatre & the Inner Cinema (2001)